Its a while since I last posted anything because of several reasons. One reason being due to the time of year and all the work that involves. Not so much at the hall as they are fixed hours but after work I go off on contract jobs for the farm. Another reason for not writing has been my frame of mind which has been played upon by a certain person so leaving me pretty much down in the dump all summer. That person being the lady bitch Nichole although even after all she has put me through I still find it hard to really see her in a bad light. I reckon if she wanted I would still get sucked in all over again by her beauty and sweetness even after all the humiliation and heartache.
So why am I suddenly back bloggin'? Well apart from having more time again now I've had a moment today that's inspires me to put pen to paper once again.
About 3 weeks ago I saw her ladyship with this woman who at the time I took to be a friend, mainly due to the way they were acting and the fact they appeared to be of a similar age. Then last week I saw her driving in and out of the place a couple of times on her own so wasn't sure what or who she was. Then this afternoon I saw her and the dowager lady walking around the garden while I was clearing some old plants out of the greenhouse. Next minute I see her making a beeline for the greenhouse by herself. I met her at the door where she announced that she was the new nurse and did I have a container they could put some apples in? I do save a few boxes for just such occasions so as I went to the potting shed to get one I pondered the fact that we had 'A' nurse let alone a new one. I know the old couple have been having some troubles over the summer but I have heard no mention of them needing a private nurse and she certainly wasn't dressed like a nurse. My thoughts were interrupted by her asking if it was safe to enter the potting shed? I wasn't sure why she was asking but said it was quite safe. She then surprised me further by saying she had been told to give the potting shed a wide birth. I immediately went on the defensive thinking Nicole had been saying something and I think she realised that she had said something wrong because she tried to backtrack by saying that she heard tails of what gardeners get up to in potting sheds with their dibbers. If this was her idea of trying to cover her tracks she wasn't doing a very good job because it just made me more convinced that she knew something - or is it just my guilty conscience? I may have cursed Nicole a little as I have become good at that but would probably have thought no more of it had it not been the look she gave me as she left. It was the same sort of look Nicole used to give me when she was up for some fun. Its fair to say that the nurse is pretty enough but our first meeting didn't have the trouser splitting effect on me that Nicole had on our first meeting. I can't deny it though, she is preying on my mind tonight. I'm trying to be cool and not get sucked in to any stupid idea's like I did last time but what if she is up for some fun? Can I resist? Should I resist? What is it with me and 30 something women?
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